Google Map Extractor

Easily generate leads with the help of Google Maps.
Our Google Maps Extractor tool automates data collection, saving you hours and increasing your reach.

Download Google Map Extractor.
Easy To Use!

Google Maps Extractor Advantages

Saves time

The extractor automates the process, saving you valuable time and effort.


Extractors are very accurate in capturing data.

Targeted data

You can focus on specific types of businesses or locations, allowing you to collect data highly relevant.

Fast and efficient

Extract data from Google Maps in seconds, not hours.

Accurate Results

Get reliable information to boost your marketing efforts.

Relentless Workflow

Spend less time on data entry, more time closing deals. Safe and secure.

Easily Available & Easy To Use!

Target your search

You can tell the extractor what you’re looking for in a few ways. You can enter keywords or business categories, specify a location by name or coordinates, or use an existing search URL from Google Maps.

Scrape data

Once you define your target, the extractor will work on Google Maps. It automatically extracts information such as business names, addresses, phone numbers, website URLs, and sometimes ratings and reviews.

Organize data

Extracted information is usually presented in a structured format such as a table or spreadsheet. This makes it easy for you to analyze or export the data for further use.

Stop Wasting Time!

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